7 Content Ideas for Educational Instagram Posts

Are you a coach or a service-based business owner – or even an ecommerce shop – and you’re tired of talking about your offer on social media?

Not only could it be that your audience feels the same way (who wants to get spammed with sales messages all day?), but you may also run out of content ideas pretty soon.

Plus, just talking about your product or service 24/7 is often not enough to actually sell it.

Not all your followers are perfectly primed to buy from you, when they first find you on social media. Most of them probably have questions or don’t trust you yet.

And this is where educational content comes in.

Inforgraphics, charts, step-by-step trainings and lists can make your topic easy to understand, even for someone who’s not constantly dealing with it (a.k.a someone who’s not you).

If done right, educational content brings your clients to the point where they are fully aware of their problem and your solution, so they can make an informed buying decision.

In this article, I’ve collected 7 content prompts for clever educational content you can use to get started now.

Tip: To put your educational content into action, download our starter pack of 10 free Canva templates ????

Why Education is a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy

Educational content can help you meet your ideal client in all stages of marketing. From awareness of your brand to finding their pain points and selling your solution.

With educational content, you can:

  • Reach a broad audience when you break down complicated concepts into easy to understand pieces
  • Make people aware of their pain points
  • Talk about WHY they need to tackle this problem and HOW
  • Clarify wrong beliefs and objectives people may have
  • Make your audience trust you as an expert in your topic (this is especially important for service providers or coaches)
  • Present your solution (= product, service or coaching program) in a way that isn’t salesy, but helps people understand that they need it
  • Educate your audience about how your offer is different from your competition and why they need to work with you

7 Ideas and Content Prompts for Educational Posts

Here are 7 smart content prompts that will help you get started on producing better content to educate your audience.

When designing your content, make sure to use infographics for easy understanding or create a carousel to bring across larger amounts of information in smaller bites.

Alternatively, you can also create a Reel or film a mini training as an Instagram Story – get creative!

1. The 1-Minute Tip

A little tip your followers can easily use towards their goals or pain points and achieve a quick win

2. Don’t try this at home ❌

One thing/routine/tactic/strategy you see in your niche that let’s you cringe and that you would never recommend to your clients

3. Mindset Shift

What’s an alternative way your audience can look at their pain points, to find a solution from a different angle?

4. Signature Formula

Just like Mr. Krabs, we don’t give out the secret burger formula. But what you can do is share your signature way of working on a certain pain point your audience has.

Don’t give out all the details, just a short roadmap of how working with you looks like on this topic.

5. Easy Habits

Some habits or routine your clients can adopt to make it ease one of their problems or give them a way to get started

6. The Obvious One

A tip that seems so obvious it’s not talked about as often as it should be and tends to get forgotten easily

7. Red Flag Alert ????

What are red flags in your topic your audience needs to watch out for?

You like the ideas in this post and want to get started creating powerful educational content?

Get 50+ educational infographic templates for Canva to kickstart your content creation! Use these templates to build trust with your community and share your expertise.

Plus: A content calendar with 30 educational content ideas is included as a FREE bonus!

Get 50+ educational Infographic Canva Templates to create beautiful infographics (+ 30 content prompts on top!)

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